A dream, held by many of us, for so long, is coming true!
For years now, I’ve held the vision of collaborating with other local artists, to create a space where all manner of arts can be unleashed! I’ve noticed the many empty buildings, on Main Street alone, and I envisioned using one of them for a location that could offer paint classes (for all ages), workshops for how to paint furniture/decor, theatrical productions (both scripted and improv), musical performances (both vocal and instrumental), dancing (both instructed and ecstatic), as well as a gallery/shop space, where local artists can display and sell their art.
Thanks to the creative passion of Jackey Raye Neyman Jones, Dena Lynn Brehm, Marci Vitner, Rebecca Fromherz-Kenneke, and to the gracious generosity of Marlene Cox, all of this is magically-manifestationally materializing at the Dallas Event Center, at 939 Main Street!
This enterprise is entitled ARTS AXIS – Artisans Co-Op. You’ll soon see a new banner, above the Dallas Event Center sign. We will be expanding into the former L’Attitude Restaurant space, as soon as it becomes restored.
This vision is multifaceted, and we’re beginning with what we’ve got, and shall be continuing to expand, evolve and grow, as we go.
We’re hitting the ground running, by offering several Paint-Parties for the month of October.
Jackey Neyman Jones is offering two All-Ages Paint-Parties this month. The first one is on Tuesday, October 11th, 6-8, and she’ll be walking everyone through the glorious painting entitled “Fall on the Horizon” — no experience required. You’ll be an artist by the end of the event! Click Here for More Info & to Register.
On Saturday, Oct 15th, 3-5, she’ll be teaching “October Moon” — a painting as fun to create, as it’s gorgeous to display! This event is for all ages, and FUN is guaranteed! Click Here for More Info & to Register.

Scarecrow Silhouette
On Thursday, Oct 20th, I’ll be teaching “Scarecrow Silhouette” – All Ages are Welcome, and no experience is required. I’ll walk you through it, step by step — you’ll have meaningful fun, and you’ll go home with your own masterpiece! Click Here for More Info & to Register.
On Friday, Oct 21st, Jackey and I are teaming up for a special once-a-month Date Night Paint-Party — for any couple 18 years and older — whether it’s a married couple, a romantic partnership, a couple of friends, a parent/child relationship, or any two folks who want to paint together! Each person will have their own canvas, to be painted and displayed with another canvas — in the future we intend to have Date Nights catered – for this debut, we welcome you to bring your own food, or purchase from local eateries … we will provide the wine, for a donation. Our debut painting is “Dusk to Dawn” – and we promise much meaningful-FUN! Click Here for More Info & to Register.

And, on Saturday, Oct 29th, I’m providing a special once-per-month Paint-Party for KIDS! We’re meeting from 3-5, and I’ll be walking children aged 5-18 through a FUN Halloween-themed painting, “Stack-O-Lanterns” – no experience required. Your child/ren will develop both competence and confidence, while having FUN! Parents/guardians may drop off, stay to watch, or join in. Click Here for More Info & to Register.
In the month of October, we’ll be inviting local artists to have their original artwork juried in, to be included in the Gallery/Shop spaces (you can currently check out both Jackey’s and Dena’s upcycled art, in the front windows — contact us if you fall in love with anything, and wish to make a purchase). For artists who wish to be involved in running the Co-Op, we’ll be offering them Member Artst status — for those who wish to simply display/sell their juried-in art, we’ll have spaces for Consignment Artists, as well. We intend to keep the quality and caliber of all the art, high.
Once per month, on a date TBD, we’ll invite in anyone who would like to join in on an Arts Circle (think sewing/quilting bees, but for arts/crafts) — we’ll provide the space, tables and chairs, and those who wish can bring their current project with them, to work on it, side by side with other creatives — this event shall be free to attend/participate.
A couple of us shall have studio-space in the Center, and we’ll have regular Open Studio opportunity — wherein the public can watch artists-in-action.
We also intend to have semi-annual Arts/Crafts Fairs — with tables for rent, so that artists/crafters can show and sell their creations. We intend to do this during the weeks prior to the winter holidays, perhaps during Thanksgiving break, or in early December.
Schools may book field trips, so that children in local schools can join in on learning to paint on canvas, with professional artists walking them through the process, step-by-step.
Local artists can also use the open area to conduct workshops, demonstrating/teaching their art — I’ll be teaching how to paint furniture/decor in whimsical fashion, and Jackey will be teaching how to paint on reclaimed architectural items.
Playback Theatre (improvisational story-telling theatre) will be relocating from Salem to Dallas, to both rehearse and perform in Arts Axis – we’ll be putting out a notice regarding a performance in cahoots with our sister-troupe in Portland, and then having an open workshop on the following day, to determine who may want to join the Salem/Dallas troupe.
In addition to all of the above, we want to also begin offering ecstatic dance events, open to everyone — we will be looking for an experienced and available DJ to supply the recorded music for these events. AND, we’re in cahoots with a Ballroom Dance teacher, to provide lessons, and open events.
And who knows what else!?! Poetry Slams? Writing workshops? Calligraphy classes? This dream is possibility-laden … we’re open to all manner of creative ideas being unleashed upon this amazing community!
Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, ideas and suggestions!