For the past three years, I’ve been honored to have been a member of Lunaria Gallery, in Silverton Oregon.
This is not your typical high-falutin’ impersonal, intimidating gallery – OH no! Lunaria Gallery is owned and operated by a co-op of 25 artists, who collaborate with each other to keep the gallery thriving … while it’s a professionally managed business, it’s also a warm and inviting space that invites perusing, imagining, and the opportunity to fall in love with the work of a local artist. We also have about 25 additional artists who commission with us.
Each month, a different artist takes his/her turn being the featured “showcase” artist … and my month shall be in March!
It’s a good thing I remembered in January, because I currently don’t have enough art-items to fill the front of the gallery! When I signed up, over a year ago, this March seemed sooooOOOooo far in the future! Ha! So, on account of how my drug of choice seems to be adrenaline, I am, in typical fashion, painting my proverbial backside off, in a full-on-frenzy, to complete about 30ish hand-painted items … to be delivered on February 28th.
So … stay tuned! I’ll be sharing my pieces, as I complete them … and if you fall in love, I shan’t stand in your way!
You are hereby invited to the First Friday Celebration of my art show … to be held at Lunaria Gallery, 113 Water St., in Silverton Oregon. The event is on the first Friday of March, the 4th, from 7:00-9:00pm. You may enjoy complementary appetizers, wine, and me!
Along with my 3D furnARTure & accessories, I’ll also be showing/offering several reclaimed canvas paintings … here are some that are completed, to be in the show:

Autumn Glory
“Autumn Glory”
acrylic on reclaimed canvas

“Winter Reflections”
“Winter Reflections”
acrylic on reclaimed canvas

“Transitions in Blue”

“Transitions in Green”

“Transitions in Orange”
“Transitions” in Blue/Green/Orange
acrylic on reclaimed canvases