Paint-Parties for KIDS (& their Parents)!
For the past six years, I’ve had the pleasure, and the honor, of introducing kids to their own inner-artist, at once-a-month Paint-Parties for them, at the McMinnville Community Center. I’ve loved watching children discover a passion for creating, and watching them develop over the years.
This happens every third Wednesday, each month, for kids aged 7-16 (though we do make exceptions for older/younger). Recently, we’ve had parents request to join in — and the results, both artistically and connectively, have been amazing!
Last night, we painted “Four Seasons Tree” together — and my favorite part is that there are no two alike. From the back of the room, it looked like a magical forest was emerging! I love watching children develop both competence and confidence, while having meaningful-fun!
If you have a child/children who would like to join in, just reach out to the Community Center, and register (503-434-7310). This is a drop-in opportunity — no commitment required, so your child can try it out, and see if they enjoy it. AND, you, as their parent/guardian, are also welcome to participate … or, you may drop your child off, or stay to watch.
Every August, as well, we have a 5-day Summer Art Camp. This year, it’s August 1st – 5th, in Discovery Meadows Park, and it’s limited to the first 30 registrants — again, you can register through the Community Center. Your child/ren will paint two paintings per day, for 5 days, while having a wonderful time.
Here’s what we’ll be painting on Wednesday, May 18th – “Catch the Moon” – a fun and gorgeous painting to create!

Catch the Moon
I also conduct public Paint-Parties for all ages, throughout the Willamette Valley, and I’m available for private Paint-Parties as well. In addition, I offer Paint-Parties for Seniors in Retirement Communities, Fundraiser Paint-Parties, and Team-Building Paint-Parties for businesses.
How do I reserve for Wednesday the 18th paint party? Is that one including kiddos?
Hi there! Just click on the link for that event from the calendar, and you can either sign up directly on my website, or you can call the community center and register that way.