Got Kids? Let ’em Paint!
Every third Saturday of each month, from 3:00 to 5:00, at the Dallas Event Center, I’m conducting a class just-for-kids (parents/guardians are welcome to join in, stay to watch, or drop children off)!
Your child/ren will develop both competence and confidence, while having meaningful-FUN! No experience required… I will walk them through it, each step of the way.

Ornamental Snowman
In December, we’re painting “Ornamental Snowman” on Saturday the 24th. What a fun way to enjoy Christmas Eve as a family! More info and registration here:
AND, as an additional treat, I’m offering an additional Paint-Party for Kids on Friday, Dec 23rd, 2-4, also at the Dallas Event Center — we’ll be painting “Gnome for the Holidays!” More info and registration here:
I also do private birthday and holiday Paint-Parties for people of all ages. More information here: